School Festival
Too much food. . .
so much delicious greasy good food.
so full.
Here's the rundown:
Saturday:So what is the school festival? It is essentially like a fall festival celebrating the school. It is like part Homecoming, part school/church festival and part Discovery Day (with presentations of what they've learned or studied lately.)
fried soba (noodles)
lemon churro
sausage on a stick
sweet bean soup
chocolate covered banana
Pancake with sweet bean paste
fried chicken on a stick
baked potato with butter, mayonaisse and black pepper
I also got to watch the English speech contest (for which I had been busy helping students prepare for a couple of weeks.) They all did very well and I was very proud of them. Congratulations on spectacular speeches!
I got to see one of my students perform at the cheerleading show. They were fantastic! Seriously, very good. They could have competed with top American squads. They played versions of Hey Mickey, YMCA, and the strangest version of Saturday Night(I think originally by the Bay City Rollers) you've ever heard. Appearantly, the Japanese guy who sings "Pecori Night" dresses up like a cheerleader for the video and dances around.
I also went to a dance show for the college's hiphop dance show. The girls were very good! It was kind of like watching a music video being filmed, except it was all Japanese girls. I was surprised when the show was an hour and a half long! I hadn't expected it to be so long, but it was still very good and I enjoyed all of it!
Finally I went to the final festival show. The professor I am working with, Eugene Kohmoto, got me the tickets. I knew that the reason the show was so popular this year was that there was a famous Japanese actor who was to be there to be interviewed, Hiroki Narimiya, and that he is supposed to be very attractive. When I got there I realized that there were almost no males in the audience. I thought, "Kohmoto-senesei what have you gotten me into?"
The show was very enjoyable though. Even though it was in Japanese, there was another dance show, a funny MC, the famous guy, and the culmination of the Pure Lily competition (like Miss Shirayuri). I met up with some of my students at the end, so I had people to chat with while we waited forever to file out of the gymnasium.
I really enjoyed the festival and I was glad I was able to see so much.

This is a picture of me with one of my freshmen students, Ayumi.

Current Mood: Relaxed

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