Who's a bad blogger?
Okay, you give up?
It's me. Today I updated you with a week of goings ons. My deepest apologies. I will make up for it with one more post that you have to read. HAHAHAHA.
But really, today I have the day off for Culture Day, another Japanese National Holiday. It's appropriately named enough that you should be able to guess what it celebrates.
I am still really loving working here. I love working with language. Just as I was really starting to yearn for literature, I got invited to a poetry circle on campus.
I've been exhausted for days because I had such a busy weekend. But I recooperated today!
I started Japanese Lessons!!! By Monday I am supposed to know the hiragana alphabet (recongition and be able to write them). I am also picking up a couple more words or phrases every week from talking with people. Language is so exciting.
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Current Mood: Linguistic (otherwise happy)

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