Semester Break
I don't think that I've mentioned it yet in this blog, but right now I'm on semester break. Yes, semester break from February through March.
Here in Japan, the school year begins in April. The first term goes until mid-late July and school starts again in September. The second term ends at the end of January and there is a two or three week winter holiday around Christmas and New Years.
Also, although the school year ends in January, graduation doesn't actually happen until the end of March. This gives recent graduates one last holiday before they start their careers.
This way the school year and their careers begin in the spring, natutally a time of beginning (and beginning again). This connection to the seasons is deeply rooted in Japanese tradition. Even the fiscal and business years begin in April.
So, that explains why I didn't come until the end of September and I don't return until late July. This made the transition into my job a little bit difficult, as many college classes are 1 year long as opposed to 1 semester long, so half of the course had already passed and I came in in the middle. Also, with American schools starting earlier and earlier in August, it will make for a rushed return and prepartation for my first year teaching when I get back.
Current Music

Current Mood: tired, headache, but makin' it -- after all, it is semester break!

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