Nabe, Shopping, navigating the trains/subways
On Friday night, my student and friend Ayako came over and made a traditional Japanese cold weather food: nabe. It is an "all in one pot" dish usually with vegetables, meat, broth, and mushrooms.
Ayako made Hakusai-nabe with Chinese cabbage (Hakusai), pork, cooking sake, and two kinds of mushrooms. Serve in a bowl, pour over a little soy sauce, eat with rice and mmmmmm, delicious dinner.
On Saturday, I met Kanami in Shinjuku for Indian food, karaoke, Starbucks, and Christmas shopping. We got there just after noon, and didn't end up leaving until after 10:30! It was a long, but incredibly fun day! I found a couple of Christmas presents, and a cd and book for myself. Karaoke was great as usual. We sang a bunch of Christmas songs, and I learned a Japanese one that is in English, Winter Song, by Dreams Come True. It's kind of sad, but I really like it. We decided that, though the Indian food was delicious, the restauarant was better for dinner. Also, I finally ate at a Wendy's here. Kanami and I were in Shinjuku for so long we had to get dinner here too. I introduced her (and possibly Japan) to french fry+frosty=amazing salty sweet combination. It is only the 4th time I have been to an American establishment in 2 months and 3 weeks. Twice to Starbucks, and once to McDonalds (Makudonarudo). It was a great, but ultimately exhausting day.
Sunday morning, I woke up right was mass was starting at the convent (7:30 am). So I decided that meant it really was time to find my way to Roppongi on the train and subway system of Tokyo to go to mass in English at the Franciscan center. I got there no with absolutely no problems. (It only involves one line change, but Shinjuku is the biggest station in Tokyo and it can be easy to get turned around. I'm still incredibly thankful the signs are in English/Romaji!) Mass was nice. It was comforting to have songs I know and prayers in my own language.
Now it's already the next weekend. I have been slacking off blogging lately. I'll try not to let this week's adventures wait to be posted until next week!
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