Snow falling at Ayako's house

Winter at Shirayuri

my Kamakura post

If you look carefully at the above picture, you can see the temple at the top of the hill.

This is a shot of Shirayuri's campus through my office window (thus the dark color). Below you see a garden instead of a classic American open quad. The trees are beginning to turn colors. More gold and orange leaves every day, by small numbers so far though. More pics of beautiful campus coming some sunny day.

Look! Mini bananas! They are pictured next to a regular cd. No, I wasn't, like many tourists are, conned into buying them for their novelty. They were cheaper. And, I only like bananas a little, so little bananas are for me!

This is a picture of my desk set. Unfortunately, I do not have a digital camera capable of capturing the words underneath the brand u-ni-son. It says, "I will enjoy your space combining various items." You gotta love Asain language-English translations!

My Garbage Schedule. I am allowed to throw away certain kinds of garbage on certain days. I keep separate trash bags for burnable (orange days) and non-burnable (blue days) garbage.

a Godzilla toy!

Makudonarudo (McDonald's) and Starubo (Starbucks)

Puricula *Print Club*



"Under the Wave of Kanagawa" by Katsushika Hokusai