who I am and why I'm going
In May of 2005, I graduated from Benedictine College (BC) in Atchison, Kansas with a BA in English and Secondary Education. I had planned on teaching high school English in the Atchison area for a year, when I was offered a position as the English department teaching assistant at Shirayuri College. Thy Yang, the BC International Programs Director, recommended me to Eugene Kohmoto.
After accepting the position, I got to work renewing my passport (a lot of work :-/) and applying for my certificate of eligibility from Japan. The certificate is used to gain a work visa and entry into the country. Basically, it states that I do have a legitimate job waiting for me in Japan and that they should give me a work visa.
Yesterday, I went the the Japanese Consulate in Denver to apply for my work visa. They took my application, my picture, my passport, and my certificate and I hope to get my important documents back Monday with a shiny new work visa. Then they'll let me into the country.
On Thursday, September 22, 2005, I leave Denver International Airport at 11:20 am. I am due to arrive in Tokyo (after a 1 hour stop in San Fransisco) at 4:30 pm Friday September 23.
Current Music: The Killers / Hot Fuss / Andy, You're a Star
Current Mood: energetic